I chose the class blog and the GMU Department of Geography because the instructions in the assignement told me to. Nothing more, nothing less.
Things get slightly more unpredictable with the other 3/5 of the required linkage. Gamma Theta Upsilon is an international honor society based in geography. I'm a member of the Eta Omicron chapter here at GMU.
Adobe Illustrator is something everyone should be familiar with already, since it will be the program we'll use in class to create our maps. I wasn't as familiar with it as I hoped to be, so I linked the site so that I, or anybody else in class, can easily find information about the program.
Hopefully this class will spark an interest in cartography for some people, and in case it does, I linked to cartography related books available for purchase via amazon.com. The syllabus for Geog 310 is making me think that I won't have much time for pleasure reading during this semester, but perhaps during winter break some of these books will provide some reading material for some of you.
And to start off the mapping fun, here's the map that I have probably referenced more than any other in the course of my life...it shouldn't take much to figure out what it is!
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