Saturday, November 8, 2008


Ah, the first dose of color. And that's all that this map got. After working on it for a while, I remembered why everything was where it was - because I couldn't get it to move anywhere else. Had I been successful, I would have moved Alaska and Hawaii around a bit and just handled that a little more efficiently. Illustrator really gives me problems. And I'm computer literate, I swear. It can't just be me.

...for the record, I enjoy how this map looked in greyscale more than I do in color.

Anyway, my printed copy turned out looking a lot like what the digital version did...colors were pretty much the same except the printed copy looked a little brighter and I felt like I preferred it to the copy you see on your screen. The text was blurrier on my printed copy than it was on the digital copy, though. Oh well, you win some, you lose some.

Map of the week:

(click to see the whole image)
This map is so cool looking - I just wish it had a title. It has to do with interstate transportation of wine, but that's about all I could figure out. I LOVE the colors, embellishments,'s just gorgeous. But please...please give me a title so I can figure out what it all means!

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